The Role Inflammation Plays

The Role Inflammation Plays

There are many ways to be proactive in optimizing your health and well-being. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting adequate sleep, and taking time for yourself are all important steps in achieving optimal health and well-being. Additionally, developing healthy relationships and cultivating habits of self-care and mindfulness can help to bring balance and joy to your life. Taking the time to invest in yourself will have a direct impact in your recovery and overall heath-

The role inflammation plays in a wide range of diseases is increasingly acknowledged. While inflammation is an essential part of the immune systems defenses, it can often become chronic and excessive. 

Chronic inflammation can damage healthy cells, tissues and organs. Over time, it can lead to diseases.

To make any significant difference, its necessary to focus on long-term eating habits and an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.

These are easy evidence-based recommendations that you can implement to reduce systemic inflammation.  

  1. Anti-inflammatory diet
  2. Sleep
  3. Breathing technics
  4. Supplements

Anti-inflammatory diet

1. Eliminate processed foods from 

            ~Processed foods and inflammation

All processed foods can cause inflammation. They can alter the bacteria that live in our gut, and that alteration has the ability to interact with our immune system and eventually trigger it in a way that leads to chronic inflammation.

  1. Packaged foods
  2. Foods with added sugar or salt
  3. Unhealthful oils
  4. Processed carbs, which are present in white bread, white pasta, and many baked goods
  5. Processed snack foods, such as chips and crackers
  6. Premade desserts, such as cookies, candy, and ice cream

2. Eat more plant base Protein 

Decrease your consumption of animal protein except for fish and high quality Greek yogurt.

Eat more vegetable protein, especially from beans. Become familiar with the range of whole-soy fermented foods available and find ones you like.

3. Increase Fiber 

            ~Fiber Is Crucial for Lowering Inflammation

Good bacteria in the gut feeds off of fiber. And when your microbiome is healthy, it's a good indicator that the rest of your body is, too.

  1. When adding fiber to your diet, be sure to drink adequate fluids (at least 64 ounces or 8 cups per day) to prevent constipation.
  2. Choose products that have a whole grain listed as the first ingredient, not enriched flour. Whole wheat flour is a whole grain--wheat flour is not.
  3. Choose whole grain bread with 2-4 grams of dietary fiber per slice.
  4. Choose cereals with at least 5 grams of dietary fiber per serving (No added sugars).
  5. Choose raw fruits and vegetables in place of juice and eat the skins.
  6. Try alternative fiber choices such as whole buckwheat, whole wheat couscous, quinoa, bulgur, wheat germ, chia seeds, hemp seeds, lentil pasta, and edamame pasta.
  7. Use dried peas, beans, and legumes in main dishes, salads, or side dishes such as rice or pasta.

3. Include GOOD fats

To help your body reduce inflammation eliminate polyunsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, vegetable shortening, all partially hydrogenated oils and all foods that contain trans-fatty acids (read food labels to check for the presence of these oils).

Instead, use extra-virgin olive oil as your main fat and increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids found in oily, cold-water fish, flaxseeds or oil, and walnuts.

There is no single anti-inflammatory diet, but a diet that eliminates processed foods and includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthful fats that help manage inflammation.

4. Sleep

Getting a good night's sleep is incredibly important for your health. In fact, it is just as important as eating a balanced, nutritious diet and exercising. Healthy sleep is important for cognitive functioning, maintaining physical strength, and good mental health.

 Inadequate sleep not only robs you of energy and productivity it also elevates inflammation—which is especially hazardous to heart health.

5. Practice Breathing

While breathing mindfully may be a simple process, it carries numerous benefits. Whether you're trying to reduce your depression and anxiety or strengthen your immunity; you'd be surprised at what you can accomplish simply by paying attention to your breathing. Regulate your breathing with 10 minutes of meditation a day.


  1. Breathing App
  2. 4-7-8 Calm Breathing Exercise - Relaxing Breath Technique | Hands-On Meditation-Dr Weil
  3. Dr. Jack Feldman: Breathing for Mental & Physical Health & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #54

6. Supplements for Inflammation 

  1. Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Take 400 to 600 milligrams of turmeric extracts (available in tablets or capsules) three times per day or as directed on the product label. Whole turmeric is more effective than isolated curcumin, its major constituent. Look for products standardized for 95% curcuminoids.

Dont use turmeric if you have gallstones or bile duct dysfunction. Pregnant women shouldnt use it without their doctors’ approval. In rare cases, extended use can cause stomach upset or heartburn.

  1. Ginger: Powdered dry ginger is an excellent anti-inflammatory. Take one to two capsules (500 to 1,000 mg) twice a day with food.
  1. Boswellin: This is the extract of the herb Boswellia, used in Ayurvedic medicine and available in capsule form. It may be useful for generalized inflammatory conditions such as fibromyalgia. The dosage is two capsules twice a day unless the product label directs differently.

Although these recommendations have been shown to fight inflammation, remember at all times that if you have any type of health problem or physical symptom, do not self-diagnose or self-medicate—even if with a food or herb. Trust your medical professional first.

We encourage you to:

 • Take an active approach to your recovery - Stay engaged, ask questions, and stay informed about your progress.

 • Make healthy lifestyle choices - Eat a balanced anti-inflammatory diet and get plenty of rest.

 • Develop a support system - Talk to friends and family about your condition and involve them in your recovery process.

  1. Follow your physical therapist's instructions - Doing so will ensure the best possible outcome.
  1.  Incorporate physical therapy exercises into your daily routine - Exercise is an important part of any recovery plan.
  1.  Utilize lifestyle modifications - Make changes to your diet or activity level that will promote health and wellness.
  1. Remain positive - A positive attitude will help you stay focused and motivated throughout your recovery journey.