

How Do You Measure Wellness?

If you walk into my office these days you’ll find walls covered with sticky notes for various projects and sub-projects and steps to be accomplished to reach the end goals of these stickered projects. In the middle of my sticky-land are my personal sticky notes.  Ones that read: exercise, journaling, meditation, whole 27, fun several others.  These are visual reminders to me that life has many pieces of the pie that MUST be addressed to live a full and whole life.  One with purpose and values that mean something to you core.

Above is a fun exercise to put a visual to the things that you hold near and dear. You can start from the inside or outside, just be consistent all the way around and measure out where you are in the categories. Rate the level of satisfaction in your life (“0” representing “none” up to “10” representing “very satisfied”) in the areas of the Life Balance Wheel. Shade the sections in various color, make it fun.

By shading the section of the wheel in various colors you can clearly see the areas in your life where you have the potential for growth and positive development as well as areas you are rocking at life.

Here’s a sample you can print out and try on your own

Why do this? These dimensions are comprised of common characteristics, identities and behaviors. Assessing needs in these seven areas can help you prevent future health problems and consequences by making healthier choices a habit and part of your everyday life today.

How often should I do this? Great question! Every month. Life throws curve balls at us all the time and sometimes we might be up against a deadline or in the new stages of a relationship. The pendulum might swing one way this month and another the following. Having a finger on the pulse of where you are placing your energy is key to how to live a full and balanced life.

Spiritual wellness is a process of understanding (or attempting to understand) beliefs, values, and ethics that help guide your life. Some folks explore their spirituality through faith, community, some folks spend time in the outdoors hiking, while others meditate or practice yoga. Whatever your preferred approach, spending time asking and exploring your spiritual life can be an important part to your overall wellbeing.

Emotional wellness is based on how you feel. Life can be stressful and it can be common to feel overwhelmed. Maintaining a healthy emotional life is important to overall health. Some ways to stay emotionally healthy are to manage your stress level, stay on top of deadlines at work, get eight hours of sleep, ask for help, or see a therapist.

Intellectual wellness means staying curious and engaged in learning new things. Being a lifelong learner won’t just make you a well-rounded individual, it will make you healthier. Engage in creative and mentally stimulating activities. Read for pleasure, be aware of social and political issues, or join a club that focuses on enhancing intellectual interests.

Physical wellness involves maintaining a healthy body. This means moving your bodies (exercise), eating well balanced meals (nutrition), and sleeping,managing stress. Maintaining a healthy body is a key component to a long healthy life.

Social wellness involves participation in your community and developing and nurturing healthy relationships. Having a strong social network can give you support and guidance when you are stressed or need stress relief.

Environmental wellness means taking care of your global environment and your personal surroundings. Whether you are de-cluttering your room, recycling your trash or volunteering to clean up your environment, actively working to serve your environments can improve your health and the health of the people around you.

Financial wellness means taking steps to live within your financial means and living in, and planning for, future financial health. Learning to think short and long-term in order to manage your resources is essential for a healthy financial experience. You can do this by planning financially, creating a budget, and learning to be a good consumer.

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